Managing Workplace Anxiety? Here’s How

If you’re struggling to manage workplace anxiety, you’re not alone. If truth be told, many people feel anxious about their jobs, especially in these uncertain times. The good news is there are many things you can do to help with managing workplace anxiety. 

Below are some of them:

Ask for Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed at work, it’s important to ask for help. 

Whether struggling with a project or feeling anxious about a presentation, asking for guidance and help can ease your stress and help you succeed.

There’s no shame in admitting that you need assistance; chances are your co-workers will be more than happy to help. 

Moreover, when you ask for help, you’re not only taking the pressure off yourself but also building relationships and showing that you’re a team player.

If you’re feeling anxious or stressed about a task at work, take a deep breath and remember that it’s okay to ask for help. 

Asking for guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it can help you get the support you need to succeed.

Avoid Gossips

When managing workplace anxiety, one of the best things you can do is avoid gossip. 

You might be tempted to gossip when anxious or stressed, but it will only worsen things. 

Gossiping about other people can make you feel better in the moment, but it’s ultimately harmful and destructive. 

Not only will it damage your relationships with others, but it can also lead to further anxiety and stress. 

If you gossip, stop and ask yourself why you’re doing it. 

Are you trying to make yourself feel better? 

Are you trying to take your mind off of your worries? 

Whatever the reason, remember that gossip is never worth it.

Befriend Your Officemates

No one wants to be the person who’s always stressed out at work. 

But, if you find yourself in this boat, there are things you can do to help improve your situation. 

One of the most important things you can do is to make friends with your officemates.

Having friends at work can help reduce stress in many ways. 

First, it gives you someone to vent to when things get tough. 

Second, it gives you a built-in support system for people who understand what you’re going through. 

Third, it can make work itself more enjoyable. 

And fourth, it can lead to increased job satisfaction and decreased absenteeism.

Of course, making friends at work isn’t always easy. 

It can be hard to take the first step if you’re not naturally outgoing. 

But you can do a few things to increase your chances of success. 

First, try to find common ground with potential friends. 

This could mean talking about your shared love of coffee or discussing the latest episode of your favorite TV show. 

Second, be a good listener. 

People appreciate being heard, and if you’re a good listener, people will be more likely to want to be around you. 

Third, be yourself! It’s important to remember that not everyone will click with you, but that’s okay. 

Just focus on finding a few good friends who make work a little more bearable.

Set Honest Deadlines

Anxiety can be incredibly crippling, making it difficult to concentrate or focus on anything else. 

For many people, work is a major source of anxiety. 

If you’re struggling to manage your anxiety at work, here are a few tips that might help:

  • Set honest deadlines. Don’t commit to unrealistic deadlines just to please your boss or impress your colleagues. If you’re not confident, you can meet a deadline, be honest and explain why. It’s better to adjust expectations upfront than to disappoint someone later.
  • Be mindful of deadlines. Keep a close eye on any looming deadlines and ensure you’re prepared well. Starting a project the night before it’s due is a recipe for disaster (and stress).
  • Honor your own deadlines. If you’ve set a personal deadline for yourself, stick to it. Don’t allow yourself to get sidetracked or push things off until the last minute. This will only add to your anxiety levels.

Use Neutral Language

When you’re feeling anxious at work, it can be tempting to vent to your co-workers about your stressors. 

However, negative or inflammatory language (“my boss is a jerk!”) will only worsen the situation. 

Instead, try to use neutral language that focuses on the facts (“I’m feeling overwhelmed by my workload”).

Being respectful, kind, and courteous to your colleagues is also important, even if you feel stressed out. 

Snapping at someone or being rude will make the situation tense and damage your relationships with co-workers. 

Instead, excuse yourself politely and step away from the situation for a few minutes if you need to take a break to cool down.

Don’t Drag Others Down

Anxiety can be contagious, and if you’re feeling it at work, chances are good that your colleagues are, too. 

But that doesn’t mean you should just suffer in silence. 

Here are three things you can do to help manage workplace anxiety and make the people around you feel better.

First, try to be positive and avoid argumentative. 

It’s easy to get caught up in our heads and forget that other people are also struggling. 

If you can find a way to be upbeat and optimistic, it will help everyone around you feel better.

Second, don’t drag others down. 

If you’re feeling anxious, you must resist the urge to vent to your colleagues or friends at work. 

This will only make them more anxious and stressed out. 

Instead, focus on finding positive solutions to the problems you’re facing.

Finally, offer help when you can. 

If you see someone struggling with anxiety, offer to help them out. 

This could mean anything from listening to their concerns to helping them find resources or information about managing anxiety.

Encourage In-Person Conversations

Technology has made it easier to communicate with people, but there’s something to be said about face-to-face interactions. 

In-person conversations allow you to read body language and facial expressions, giving you a better idea of how the person is feeling. 

Plus, there’s something about talking in person that can make people feel more comfortable discussing delicate topics.

If you’re managing workplace anxiety, encourage your employees to have in-person conversations when possible. 

If an employee comes to you with a concern, take the time to listen and be respectful. 

Remember, workplace anxiety is real and can be debilitating for some people. 

However, being gracious and understanding in person can help create a more supportive and positive work environment.

Focus on the Facts

When you’re feeling anxious at work, listening to gossip or negative talk from colleagues can be tempting. 

But instead of letting these things add to your anxiety, try to focus on the facts.

First, remember that everyone experiences anxiety in different ways. 

So just because someone else seems calm on the outside doesn’t mean they’re not experiencing anxiety on the inside.

Second, try to take breaks throughout the day to clear your head. 

For example, take a walk, meditate, or do deep breathing exercises. 

This will help you to recenter yourself and focus on the present moment.

Lastly, don’t indulge in workplace gossip. 

Gossiping can make you feel anxious and can damage relationships with your colleagues. 

Instead, talk to a trusted friend or family member outside of work if you need to vent.

Utilize Work Resources

Work resources are available to help us cope with anxiety and stress in the workplace. 

We can use our time wisely by spending time on meaningful tasks and taking breaks when needed. 

We can work smart by using our resources to our advantage and learning from our mistakes.


While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to managing workplace anxiety, there are some proven ways to manage it. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxiety at work, consider implementing some of these coping mechanisms:

  • Identify your triggers. What is it about your job that makes you feel anxious? Is it a specific task or project? Or is it the workplace environment itself? Once you know what’s triggering your anxiety, you can start to develop a plan for addressing it.
  • Develop a support network. Talk to trusted colleagues about your anxiety and how they handle stress in the workplace. Having people you can rely on for support will make it easier to manage your anxiety.
  • Set boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say no when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to know your limits and not try to do too much.
  • Make time for self-care. Taking care of yourself should be a priority, even if it means saying no to work commitments. Schedule time for exercise, relaxation, and socializing outside of work.

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