Your Quick Guide to Numerology Numbers

Numerology numbers have been used for thousands of years in civilizations from Japan to Greece and Rome.

Evidence suggests that numerology was used in ancient Babylon and Egypt, making it an ancient and numbers-based system designed to understand the world and your place in it.

In essence, numerology has been a fundamental practice across many cultures and has provided insights into the mysteries of the universe.

Each person has a set of numerology numbers that can affect anything from their personal life path to their romantic relationships, career choices, and more. 

Those who know their numerology numbers and how energies affect their life can use them to navigate life decisions and live their lives fully.

What the Numbers Say

Everything you can see in the universe is based on numbers

The number pi for instance can be seen from the sun disk to the shapes of the rivers down to the double helix of DNA. 

However, numbers not only exist in nature. 

They also put out their own energy.

When you have a clear understanding of the energy of numbers, you can use the knowledge to gain more insights into many aspects of your life including:

  • Personality traits
  • Struggles and life obstacles
  • Career decisions
  • Romantic partners
  • Hopes and fears
  • Talents

Figuring Out Your Numerology Numbers

Your numerology chart can be calculated in two ways: your name or your date of birth. The numbers on your chart can have vast implications on. 

Your life, depending on the traits and meaning attached to the master or cardinal numbers.

Date of Birth

Just like astrology, your date of birth is extremely important when determining who you will be and the path you will take in life. 

With numerology, you will use the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. 

The birth date can also be used to calculate your life path number. 


Letters also have each of their numerological assignations. 

However, in numerology, only the single digits 1 to 9 are used. 

You can search online to find a chart you can use as a reference for each letter of the alphabet as well as their corresponding number equivalent.

Calculating the Four Major Numerology Numbers

There are four major categories when it comes to numerology numbers. Each of them requires a particular calculation based on either the letters of your name or your birth date. 

  1. Life Path Number

Your life path is the most important part of your personal numerology chart because it can tell you about the following:

  • Your personality
  • Your challenges and life achievement
  • Your major opportunities
  • How you can attain happiness and fulfillment

How to Calculate Your Life Path Number

Add each of the digits from your date of birth and keep adding them up until you get to a single digit or 11 and 22. 

For instance, if you were born on 05/20/1990, you add 5+2+1+9+9=26. 

To get to a single digit, add 2+6=8. Your life path number is 8.

2. Your Soul Number

Also called your spiritual number, your soul number can help determine who you are on a spiritual level. 

For instance, if your soul number is 5, you are restless, free-spirited and want to travel and wander. 

These characteristics are considered an integral part of your spiritual being.

How to Calculate Your Soul Number

To determine your soul number, add the single digit values of each of the vowels in your full name. 

Keep adding the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 and 22. 

The name you will use should be the full name you were given at birth. 

Even if you have changed your name, you will still use your birth name to calculate your soul, karmic, and expression numbers.

3. Karmic Number

Your karmic number will tell you about your fears, hopes, and dreams. 

When you know the meanings and the energies that are attached to this number, you will have a better understanding and insight of your fears and hopes and the factors that influence them.

For instance, if you are someone who wants to be popular but your biggest fear is being disliked, this might be because your karmic number is 2. 

Those who have number 2 as their karmic number are extroverted and charismatic.

How to Calculate Your Karmic Number

Use the numerology chart to find the letters and add up the values for each of the consonants in your name. Keep adding until you reach a single digit, 11, or 22.

4. Destiny Number

This is also referred to as expression number. This reveals your true talents and potentials—even talents you never knew you had!

For instance, if your destiny number is 7, you might find that one of your hidden talents is problem-solving whether it’s problems between family members and friends or logical ones.

How to Calculate Your Destiny Number

Based on the numerology chart, add up the single digit value of the letters found in your full name.

Cardinal and Master Number Meanings

It is important to keep in mind that there is no one number for every person. In other words, your numerology chart is made up of the numbers from the four major categories.

The numbers for your soul, destiny, life path, and karmic numbers mean the energies attached to them (regardless if they are master or cardinal numbers) can impact that aspect of your life. 

Cardinal numbers are the numbers from 1 – 9. Master numbers are 11 and 22. 

The master numbers have the strongest energies in numerology.

Below is your quick guide to the meaning behind master and cardinal numbers:

Number 1

You will have number 1 quality traits if you get 1 in any of the four major numerology categories namely soul, karmic, destiny, and life path. 

You can also exhibit number 1 qualities if your date of birth falls on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of the month.

The number 1 has a strong masculine energy so people with number 1 qualities tend to be leaders.

CEOs, inventors, entrepreneurs, and managers tend to be a number 1.

Number 1s are creative, highly driven, and independent.

Oftentimes, they also excel in any field of their choosing.

However, number 1s can also be demanding or overly critical of others.

Also, while they may not admit it or show it, they can struggle with feelings of self-doubt.

Typical number 1 traits include:

  • Independent
  • Impassioned
  • Strong
  • Visionaries
  • Fair 
  • Honest
  • Popular
  • Creative

Number 2

If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or the 29th, you will possess number 2 traits. 

The same thing is true if you have a 2 on your chart.

The number 2 exudes feminine energy.

Number 2s are attuned to the emotions of others, diplomatic, persuasive, and highly influential.

Professionally, number 2s excel as negotiators, diplomats, caregivers, counselors, therapists, or teachers.

Number 2s are known for their great listening abilities.

The only downside with numbers 2s is they can be overly sensitive. 

Typical number 2 traits include:

  • Intuitive
  • Social
  • Poised
  • Influential
  • Trustworthy
  • Charismatic
  • Trustworthy
  • Artistic
  • Humorous
  • Deep thinkers

Number 3

If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and the 30th of if you have 3 on your numerology chart, you will exhibit number 3 influences.

Number 3 people are unique.

However, they tend to exhibit number 1 and number 2 traits.

Number 3s approach the world with wonder and open arms.

They are also highly extroverted and are often the life of the party.

If you have number 3 traits, you often see the silver lining in any situation.

They also tend to live freely so professionally, they are more drawn to flexible schedules or setting their own hours. 

Unfortunately, they need to work hard at being disciplined.

Typical number 3 traits include:

  • Fun loving
  • Attractive
  • Charming
  • Talkative
  • Extroverted
  • Optimistic
  • Excellent communicator

Number 4

If your date of birth falls on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st or if you have 4 on your numerology chart, then you will exhibit number 4 traits.

Number 4s tend to follow the rules as they see things in black and white.

Career-wise, they often perform best in upholding the law so a career in the government or military is often ideal for them.

The rigidity of number 4s is fortunately counterbalanced by the fact that they are incredibly dependable.

Their main challenge however is they tend to overly relax and let loose.

Typical number 4 traits include:

  • Systematic
  • Organized
  • Dependable
  • Disciplined
  • Loyal
  • Strong
  • Attentive to detail

Number 5

If you have 5 on your numerology chart or if you were born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of the month, you will have number 5 traits.

Number 5s are free-spirited, social, and very friendly.

The only downside is they are unreliable and flakey.

Individuals with number 5 traits excel in careers involving sales, real estate, or any career where they can engage with others.

Typical number 5 traits include:

  • Loving
  • Non-judgmental
  • Free-spirited
  • Adventurous
  • Restless
  • Filled with wanderlust
  • Defender of the underdog

Number 6

Those born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th or those who scored a 6 on their chart will have number 6 qualities.

Number 6 individuals are compassionate and caring.

They want to nurture and help others and give them joy.

Number 6 people make great therapists, doctors, nurses, counselors, teachers, and stay-at-home parents. 

The downside of number 6 people is they tend to get really down when they fail to help others.

Typical number 6 traits include:

  • Kind 
  • Nurturing
  • Helpful
  • Supportive
  • Peaceful
  • Compassionate

Number 7

If you were born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th or you have a 7 on your numerology chart, you will exhibit number 7 traits.

Number 7s are introverted and deep thinkers.

They also tend to not care about what others think of them.

People with number 7 traits love a career that involves the sciences or academia. 

They also tend to gravitate toward solo research.

Since 7th tends to be introverted, they often have a difficult time making friends.

When they do, they are devoted and steadfast.

Typical number 7 traits include:

  • Quiet
  • Introverted
  • Intuitive
  • Analytical
  • Fair
  • Sensitive
  • Problem solvers
  • Deep thinking

Number 8

If you have number 8 on your chart or you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th, you will have number 8 qualities.

Number 8s are very driven. 

They will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Numbers 8s are also workaholics.

However, they often come across as blunt because of their intense drive.

Number 8s love nice clothes, money, and material goods.

Typical number 8 traits include:

  • Driven
  • Leaders
  • Hardworking
  • Diplomatic
  • Practical
  • Ambitious
  • Willing to take risks

Number 9

Number 9s have 9 in their numerical chart or are born on the 9th, 18th, or the 27th.

Number 9s always strive to ensure justice. 

You can often see them fighting against global warming or seeking justice for those who have been wronged.

They are also deeply passionate and spiritual.

Number 9s do well in fighting justice pro-bono, doing volunteer work, and getting involved in activisms. 

Unfortunately, their strong sense of right and wrong makes them difficult to deal with at times.

While they are not exactly romantic, they are very impassioned and loving.

Typical number 9 traits include:

  • Spiritual
  • Compassionate
  • Helpful 
  • Creative
  • Loyal
  • Fighting injustice

Number 11

This is a special number in numerology.

Number 11s are highly unique.

They draw energy from the numbers 1 and 2 but with greater strength and amplification.

This can be a blessing and a curse as they tend to struggle to find balance.

Number 11s are very insightful and they also have deep insights.

Their spiritual nature makes them desire quiet and solitude rather than get caught up in petty drama.

Professionally, number 11s work in creative fields.

Their biggest dislike is doing mindless tasks  and boredom.

Typical number 11 traits include:

  • Inspiring
  • Empathic
  • Introverted
  • Spiritual
  • Fascinating
  • Free thinkers

Number 22

Just like 11, the number 22 is also considered a master number.

The number 22 is considered the strongest of the numerology numbers. 

People with this number often help humanity as a whole and have a deep sense of higher self.

People who are 22s help people feel joyous.

Their most admirable traits are they are selfless and grounded.

However, they can also forget to practice self-care.

This can lead to issues of fear, insecurity, and lashing out in bossy ways.

Typical number 22 traits include:

  • Wise
  • Inspiring
  • Selfless
  • Peaceful
  • Humble
  • Psychic
  • Spiritual

Over to You

There are four major numerology numbers:

  • Your Life Path
  • Your Soul Number
  • Your Karmic Number
  • Your Destiny Number

Calculate any of your four major numerology numbers and you will discover more insights about yourself and discover how you can live a fuller and more fulfilled life. Also, our hope is that with our guide, you are able to better understand what you want, who you are, and where you are going in life.

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